Thursday, September 30, 2010

Traveling Companions

One of the questions people asked about this journey was who I would be traveling with or when I would meet up with "the group."  I explained that much of this trip would be spent alone and that there was no group.  I will be meeting people along the way, but mostly I will be alone.

But I recognize that I don't really travel alone.  There are many people with me in spirit; people who are in my daily thoughts and prayers and those who are holding me in their thoughts and prayers.

I have also brought some friends for this part of the journey.  Paula D'Arcy, Desmond Tutu, Parker Palmer, Jose Saramago and others.  I bring them through their writings to learn from them.  I have also discovered some friends at the Norbertine Library---Joan Chittister and Tony Hillerman to name a few.  I always have a book nearby and typically am reading several works simultaneously.  I enjoy the company of good literature.

One of the concerns I had about this renewal leave is what if I don't get it right, or worse yet, what if I fail.  I don't know what it would mean to get it wrong or to fail, but those concerns persist.  I realize there is no adequate means to judge the success or failure of this experience.

In her book, "The Gift of the Red Bird" Paula D'Arcy describes a time of personal retreat.  She expresses her fears that in some way she may fail.  She writes, "I have to repeat to myself that I will do this the way I do it.  And I believe God will honor me, however that is."

Amid the fear of failure, the desires to get it right, the uncertainties about the journey, a friend has poured out a bit of grace for the journey.

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