Wednesday, December 15, 2010

In the Details

We were without internet access for a while so it has been a few days since I have been able to post anything.  While we have visited several beautiful places, including Venice, since the last posting, I want to share some observations in a different vein.

We are winding down our Italian adventure, so we have been finalizing souvenir purchases for our family and friends.  At this point, I believe we have everyone covered and plan to get some last t-shirts for the kids and we are done.  But what I have noticed when we have made purchases is how nicely purchases are wrapped for customers.  In a toy store where we bought a gift for a neighbor, the clerk wrapped it in nice gift paper, then added a bow and string.  It took several minutes to do this, but she worked carefully to make a very beautiful gift.

At a jewelry store, while we waited for help, the clerk very carefully wrapped several gifts that someone else had purchased.  Even though he was the only clerk in the store, he didn't rush, but took his time and wrapped each purchase with paper, bows, strings, stickers.  A similar purchase in most American stores might result in a gift that was put into a decorative bag at best.  Although it meant waiting a bit longer for the clerk to be able to wait on us, it was very nice to see the attention he was giving this particular purchase and well worth the wait.

In the hectic rush of this season, it was nice to experience a situation where there was more than an exchange of money and a bagged item and a few "have a nice holiday" pleasantries.  The Italians seem to give a lot of attention to the details and making sure that things are well done.  It shows in their fashion where it is common for everyone to dress nicely in public.  I have yet to see anyone walking around in their pajamas (a seemingly common fashion statement in the U.S.---and by the way, what is the statement we are saying in this?)  Italians seem to take great care in the details of appearances.  And this attention to detail is very refreshing.

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